Saturday, January 13, 2007

6 Weird Things About Me

Ok, so apparently I've been 'tagged'. I'm new to this game and in the blogosphere world, that means I have to agree to the terms and continue the game. I'm just glad that it didn't say I would receive 'bad luck' if I didn't pass it on b/c those are SO annoying.


Each player of this game starts with the 'six weird things about me' blog post. People who get tagged need to write their own six weird things post and state the rules clearly. At the end of the post, tag six more people and don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog to tell them they have been tagged and tell them to read your blog.

Ok, here goes:

1. Threshold, VDot, Fartlek, and Cadence have now become a part of my daily vocabulary.

2. One of my embarrassing subconscious habits include me folding a piece of fabric or paper and rubbing the edge between my thumb and forefinger. I guess it soothes me? I dunno, it began during childhood and I notice myself doing this action when I'm lost in thought. I know, weird.

3. I am totally attracted to Jocks and Geeks.

4. My lips turn purplish-blue when I'm cold and this happens on average once a week.

5. Sometimes I dance with my eyes closed to 'feel' the music and I think I become a better dancer.

6. My childhood goal was to get a Gold medal at the Olympics for gymnastics. To this day, I still think that would have been possible had I not quit the sport.

Tag, you're it:

1. Melissa
2. Maylynn
3. Tats
4. Jessica
6. Paul