Monday, March 24, 2008


I was planning on blogging about my pregnancy awhile ago but then decided against it because I was feeling kinda superstitious. In any case, I am currently 7 months pregnant and entering my 3rd trimester so it's evidently official, I'm having a BABY!!

And I do apologize for not blogging in, like, FOREVER! Let's just say that I'm lazy and that I am never too inspired to write because being eloquently witty requires way too much effort on my part. So, I will try and catch you up to speed on all that has happened (baby-related) in my life for the past 7 months. I do hope that this isn't too long-winded..

If you were wondering about the title of this post, it refers to the name that my husband gave the little fetus when he was literally just a 'niblet'. The name stuck and we often refer to our growing baby as Niblet. Oh, and Niblet is a HE.

So, the past 7 months have passed fairly quickly and without too much physical discomfort. In actual fact, it has been awesome and I've been able to continue my daily lifestyle without too many changes. I have spent most of my energy on eating healthy, staying fit, and getting decent rest. Fortunately, I had zero morning sickness in my first tri but I did tire really quickly so daily naps helped a lot! The only major symptom that I've had to deal with for the past 7 months is a bit of constipation and bloatedness... until just recently..

Last week was my toughest week. Practically overnight, my body exploded into a series of hives. It actually started on my belly and I thought the itchy rashes would pass. But then, the hives radiated to my thighs, butt, arms, and back. It totally freaked me out. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with PUPPS. Apparently, it occurs in about 1% of pregnant woman, most often in their 1st pregnancy entering their 3rd trimester. And the really wierd part, the majority of woman suffering from PUPPS have boys! Wierd huh? There is no known cause, the treatment is symptomatic, and fortunately, the baby is not affected. I don't want to go into detail but being itchy all over can basically make one feel like they're going insane. It's not fun. For example, it is currently 5:40am and I'm up because I can't sleep due to itching. FUN. Anyways, it's been about a week and the hives have gone down so I'm optimistic that they will pass.

If you are ever planning on getting pregnant, here is my word of womanly advice: EXERCISE. Now, I know that most people will say to get plenty of rest and not to over do it. That is quite obvious, but let me tell you, exercising has been key to my levels of energy and I certainly believe that if I didn't exercise, then my chances of getting: hypertension, gestational diabetes, edema, back pain, varicose veins, pre-eclampsia, and all those other afflictions that pregnant woman MAY get when they gain 30+lbs and are sedentary for 9 months, would certainly be WAY higher. Now, I'm not saying that all pregnant woman that aren't active will suffer these symptoms, but medical studies have shown the merits of exercise during pregnancy. Although, it's kind of funny, when you tell people that you went for a run at 7 months pregnant, they kind of give you a look like, "I think you're hurting the baby.." C'mon people! I mean, I'm pregnant, not sick or disabled! Anyways, just trust your body and monitor your intensity.

Hmmmm.. where was I? Oh yeah, 7 months preggo with a BOY!!! I am sooo excited and totally ready to be a mom. Dad is good too. I was kinda scared that he wasn't ready or as excited as me but to quote the movie JUNO, "A woman becomes a mother when she gets pregnant and a man becomes a father when he sees the baby." I think that quote makes sense. Although, the moment I knew when he was mentally ready was when he said to me one night as he was rubbing my belly, "I think I'm falling in love with someone that I haven't met yet.." Awwww.

So, there's my update. I promise I will write more later, but for now, I think I will catch a few more winks. Although Niblet is up and kicking and it doesn't feel like he's ready to retire. I guess he's just getting me ready for what's to come in the near future..