Saturday, April 28, 2007

Booking My Face

Every couple of weeks I get a new email: "You have been tagged by _____!" Or, "You have been invited to Facebook by _______!"

I have been resisting and rebelling the Internet and networking phenomenon known as Facebook. Why, you say? Because EVERYBODY is using it and I can't stand to follow everybody else. Apparently, Facebook is better than 'Myspace' and 'Friendster' combined b/c the networking tools are ingenious and the memory capability is limitless. In any case, I have no interest in "tagging" others or seeing how popular I am. Also, I don't have enough hours in the day to even 'blog' on a regular basis, therefore entering the world of Facebook would undoubtedly consume hours of my life that I could be doing something more useful then increasing my friend count. Many people call it Crackbook for obvious reasons...

Please don't think I'm knocking others that are on Facebook, I just know that IF I started using.. the using wouldn't stop. I have a fairly addictive personality so I know that I would need my daily Crackbook and it would get bad..

Sigh.. but the ONLY thing that is still drawing my curiousity is the fact that I've lost touch with people that I grew up with in Vancouver from my childhood. You see, back then, there was no email or household Internet use. I hear stories of friends that have reconnected with people from their past and it kind of gives me a warm fuzzy inside.

In any case, I am still rebelling for rebellion's sake, but who knows? My Face just may get Booked and I may become another victim of one of technology's best inventions yet biggest downfalls: the Internet (but that's for another post..).


fs said...

Hey D, how are you doing? I'm at work and I saw your post (I've subscribed to your blog on my RSS reader). Anyway, I'm also on facebook, and I don't find it that addictive, but it certainly is easy and convenient for me. I encourage you to join, but no pressure :) BTW, don't bother tagging people or seeing how 'popular' you are. I find it most useful just to see what your friends are up to and seeing their photos without them having to bother emailing you every time something happens.

I hope you weren't insulted that I didn't respond to your 6 weird things about me post. I generally never respond to any sort of 'chain letter'. I will comment on that post though:

#1. what are threshold, vdot, cadence, fartlek ??

#2. I never noticed this

#3. so is Alpha a jock & a geek ?

#5. me too, but I know that I'm not a good dancer :)

Melissa said...

I am resisting without knowing exactly why too.