Thursday, November 30, 2006

Take time to change.

"The only thing that is constant is change."

I read that quote a while ago and it struck me as completely true.

For some reason, many people that I know detest change. For them, change represents the unknown and the uncontrolled. Mind you, I like to have a structured daily schedule and don't like too many surprises in my week.. BUT, I do revel in change. To me, change is about experience and evolution. Change is about growth in oneself.

I don't really know why I'm writing this... perhaps because I know that I'm ready for change. Be it psychological or physical. I do know that I am always looking towards the future, rather than revelling in my past. Is it possible to actually prepare oneself for an unknown change?

Bring it.


shellz said...

I find that the most powerful thing is to stay in the "moment of now." It's challenging. When you really start to monitor your thoughts, it's amazing how much is dedicated to past or future. I say stay present, and let the rest unfold as it may.

Bring it. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Do you know where that quote comes from? I read it once in a book by Michael Crichton: "5 Patients". Good book, btw. I always remember this because dad read the book or at least part of it, and really liked it. It's one of the only books I ever gave to him, which he read and liked. And that particular quote was his favorite from the book. He even said it out loud to me, which I frequently imitate with the accent and everything. It's really quite amusing (at least Kay agrees...) Anyway, I just thought it was interesting that you and Dad liked the same quote. BTW, I am someone who generally avoids change (unless I can see a clear benefit.) I definitely don't like to change things without a good reason...

Anonymous said...

I've tagged you. See my blog for details.