Sunday, November 05, 2006

Ode to Murphy's Law

I've been struggling with an issue that has taken control of most of my thoughts for the past 6 months. Most of my close friends know what this issue is and they have been very supportive.. Thank you.

The way I live my life, I'm usually very goal-oriented and I like structure and balance. Well, I've been playing with fate for the past while and, unfortunately, it has me in the palm of it's hands... I'm not a control freak, but I like to know what the future brings and I like to plan for it as well.

I was allowing this issue to take over my decisions about my work, my workout schedule, my vacation time, as well as my social plans.

Well, I have finally decided NOT to let this issue take contol of all my actions. I would rather live my life for the present and be happy. Murphy's Law states that when you don't prepare for something, it will inevitably happen. So be it.


Melissa said...

Life is full of sweet surprises... over time as well as every single day.

(Like Chapstick in your RACEKIT!)

Anonymous said...

Great decision.
I made the same one over 12 months ago and although I have to occasionally remind myself, it works well for me. Life is much more fulfilling now